A solitary figure, standing in a bustling virtual marketplace, e...

A solitary figure, standing in a bustling virtual marketplace, extends a single digit to press against a glowing, bitcoin icons Surrounding them, vibrant holograms of Mewtwo. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of anticipation and wonder, as knowledge and learning are made accessible with the ease of a simple touch. This vision of the future, where education and technology intertwine, is captured in the style of futuristic, 3D digital art,

A solitary figure, standing in a bustling virtual marketplace, extends a single digit to press against a glowing, bitcoin icons Surrounding them, vibrant holograms of Mewtwo. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of anticipation and wonder, as knowledge and learning are made accessible with the ease of a simple touch. This vision of the future, where education and technology intertwine, is captured in the style of futuristic, 3D digital art,

{ "seed": "4030282164", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
