A depiction of a complex, three-dimensional puzzle with interloc...

A depiction of a complex, three-dimensional puzzle with interlocking pieces, each one bearing different sports icons. The puzzle's design appears chaotic and fragmented, alluding to the incoherent nature of the policy. The puzzle rests on a table, and the surrounding area is dimly lit except for a single concentrated light source illuminating the puzzle. The overall mood evokes curiosity and intrigue, accompanied by a sense of uncertainty, Trippy

A depiction of a complex, three-dimensional puzzle with interlocking pieces, each one bearing different sports icons. The puzzle's design appears chaotic and fragmented, alluding to the incoherent nature of the policy. The puzzle rests on a table, and the surrounding area is dimly lit except for a single concentrated light source illuminating the puzzle. The overall mood evokes curiosity and intrigue, accompanied by a sense of uncertainty, Trippy

{ "seed": "921261752", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
