Shadowy figure navigating the grand halls of a castle-starship h...

Shadowy figure navigating the grand halls of a castle-starship hybrid, cloak absorbing light with hints of dark purple, glint from visor, silhouette suggesting an advanced guardian, celestial patrol, foggy corridors lit by ambient ship lighting, presence felt but unseen, enigma onboard the floating fortress, cloaked in mystery akin to a Steven Spielberg epic, cloak texture velvety, deep black, shimmering.

Shadowy figure navigating the grand halls of a castle-starship hybrid, cloak absorbing light with hints of dark purple, glint from visor, silhouette suggesting an advanced guardian, celestial patrol, foggy corridors lit by ambient ship lighting, presence felt but unseen, enigma onboard the floating fortress, cloaked in mystery akin to a Steven Spielberg epic, cloak texture velvety, deep black, shimmering.

{ "seed": "1714514448", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
