A solitary astronaut navigates through a digital cosmos, encount...

A solitary astronaut navigates through a digital cosmos, encountering fragments of canceled code and negative energy pulsating within the vacuum of space. The scene evokes a Tron-like aesthetic, with neon grids and schematics enveloping the astronaut's spacesuit. Despite the overwhelming presence of the void, splashes of vibrant blue, orange, and yellow crackle with electricity, illuminating the astronaut's path. The atmosphere is charged with uncertainty and curiosity, reflecting a dystopian, synthwave vibe.

A solitary astronaut navigates through a digital cosmos, encountering fragments of canceled code and negative energy pulsating within the vacuum of space. The scene evokes a Tron-like aesthetic, with neon grids and schematics enveloping the astronaut's spacesuit. Despite the overwhelming presence of the void, splashes of vibrant blue, orange, and yellow crackle with electricity, illuminating the astronaut's path. The atmosphere is charged with uncertainty and curiosity, reflecting a dystopian, synthwave vibe.

{ "seed": "2690501452", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
