A futuristic news studio, bathed in a palette of blues and white...

A futuristic news studio, bathed in a palette of blues and whites, evoking a sense of modernity and urgency. In the center, a sleek, silver desk anchors the space, surrounded by curved screens displaying a kaleidoscope of data and live feeds. A lone anchor, dressed in a crisp, white suit, sits poised, with a hint of intensity, as they deliver the breaking news. The studio lights cast a dynamic, high-contrast glow, reminiscent of a stylized, cinematic aesthetic. In the background, a blurred, neon-lit cityscape stretches upwards, symbolizing the infinite flow of information.

A futuristic news studio, bathed in a palette of blues and whites, evoking a sense of modernity and urgency. In the center, a sleek, silver desk anchors the space, surrounded by curved screens displaying a kaleidoscope of data and live feeds. A lone anchor, dressed in a crisp, white suit, sits poised, with a hint of intensity, as they deliver the breaking news. The studio lights cast a dynamic, high-contrast glow, reminiscent of a stylized, cinematic aesthetic. In the background, a blurred, neon-lit cityscape stretches upwards, symbolizing the infinite flow of information.

{ "seed": "699892602", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
