A vibrant cosmic background with a myriad of futuristic spaceshi...

A vibrant cosmic background with a myriad of futuristic spaceships. The central focus is a large, circular space station with a unique, infinity-like shape. The central focus is a large, circular space station with a unique, infinity-like shape. A starship made from the following: a beat up old washer, MRI Machine, Giant Cast Iron Wood Stove, 1934 Winnebago, tons of duct tape, odd vehicle parts, 2 large shipping containers,1924 Deusenberg, a 1934 Winnebago, tons of duct tape, odd vehicle parts, two large shipping containers, and a 1924 Deusenberg. The starships are scattered throughout the image, with some hovering near the station and others dispersed across the cosmic expanse, creating a whimsical and imaginative atmosphere.

A vibrant cosmic background with a myriad of futuristic spaceships. The central focus is a large, circular space station with a unique, infinity-like shape. The central focus is a large, circular space station with a unique, infinity-like shape. A starship made from the following: a beat up old washer, MRI Machine, Giant Cast Iron Wood Stove, 1934 Winnebago, tons of duct tape, odd vehicle parts, 2 large shipping containers,1924 Deusenberg, a 1934 Winnebago, tons of duct tape, odd vehicle parts, two large shipping containers, and a 1924 Deusenberg. The starships are scattered throughout the image, with some hovering near the station and others dispersed across the cosmic expanse, creating a whimsical and imaginative atmosphere.

{ "seed": "2686140543", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
