A stylized, futuristic emblem featuring the characters "AI" in a...

A stylized, futuristic emblem featuring the characters "AI" in a fluid, neon-lit calligraphy, reminiscent of 80s cyberpunk aesthetics. The text is entwined with wispy, cloud-like tendrils that evoke a sense of ethereal lightness, as if the logo is floating in mid-air. The overall design is a fusion of Eastern typography and Western sci-fi sensibilities, with a dash of mesmerizing, pulsing lights that seem to shift and shimmer like the aurora borealis.

A stylized, futuristic emblem featuring the characters "AI" in a fluid, neon-lit calligraphy, reminiscent of 80s cyberpunk aesthetics. The text is entwined with wispy, cloud-like tendrils that evoke a sense of ethereal lightness, as if the logo is floating in mid-air. The overall design is a fusion of Eastern typography and Western sci-fi sensibilities, with a dash of mesmerizing, pulsing lights that seem to shift and shimmer like the aurora borealis.

{ "seed": "1296335427", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
