A solitary figure stands at the precipice of a towering, crystal...

A solitary figure stands at the precipice of a towering, crystalline skyscraper, bathed in the warm glow of futuristic streetlights. Hovering vehicles weave around neon-painted buildings, casting fleeting shadows on the concrete jungle below. Sleek, metallic structures reach towards the heavens, adorned with intricate patterns that resemble molecular structures. The distant horizon teems with towering structures that resemble colossal, futuristic trees, their branches reaching for the clouds.

A solitary figure stands at the precipice of a towering, crystalline skyscraper, bathed in the warm glow of futuristic streetlights. Hovering vehicles weave around neon-painted buildings, casting fleeting shadows on the concrete jungle below. Sleek, metallic structures reach towards the heavens, adorned with intricate patterns that resemble molecular structures. The distant horizon teems with towering structures that resemble colossal, futuristic trees, their branches reaching for the clouds.

{ "seed": "4078429940", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
