A radiant figure, adorned in vibrant feathers and sequins, perch...

A radiant figure, adorned in vibrant feathers and sequins, perches atop a kinetic, exuberant float that winds its way through the pulsating streets of Rio de Janeiro's Carnival. The scene is awash in vivid colors and dynamic, swirling shapes, resembling the energetic chaos and joyous abandon found in the works of Di Cavalcanti and Portinari. The atmosphere crackles with infectious energy and kaleidoscopic excitement, as if each fleeting moment bursts forth from a never-ending celebration of life, dance, and music.

A radiant figure, adorned in vibrant feathers and sequins, perches atop a kinetic, exuberant float that winds its way through the pulsating streets of Rio de Janeiro's Carnival. The scene is awash in vivid colors and dynamic, swirling shapes, resembling the energetic chaos and joyous abandon found in the works of Di Cavalcanti and Portinari. The atmosphere crackles with infectious energy and kaleidoscopic excitement, as if each fleeting moment bursts forth from a never-ending celebration of life, dance, and music.

{ "seed": "3976436913", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
