Create an image depicting a grand Hindu temple, intricately desi...

Create an image depicting a grand Hindu temple, intricately designed with vibrant colors, steep-tiered roofs, and ornate carvings. The temple should be situated in a lush, verdant landscape, with tall coconut trees and exotic flowers surrounding it. Inside the temple, there should be a serene and powerful Hindu god, seated on a lotus throne. The god is adorned with divine jewels, a richly patterned dhoti, and a sacred thread across the chest. The god's face is calm and benevolent, with kind eyes and a gentle smile. The overall atmosphere should be one of spiritual tranquility and divine presence.

Create an image depicting a grand Hindu temple, intricately designed with vibrant colors, steep-tiered roofs, and ornate carvings. The temple should be situated in a lush, verdant landscape, with tall coconut trees and exotic flowers surrounding it. Inside the temple, there should be a serene and powerful Hindu god, seated on a lotus throne. The god is adorned with divine jewels, a richly patterned dhoti, and a sacred thread across the chest. The god's face is calm and benevolent, with kind eyes and a gentle smile. The overall atmosphere should be one of spiritual tranquility and divine presence.

{ "seed": "2929702458", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
