A faded, retro-futuristic illustration of Key Carson, surrounded...

A faded, retro-futuristic illustration of Key Carson, surrounded by miniature cityscapes and construction cranes, standing precariously on a tightrope above a maze of blueprints and scattered papers. Kirby's iconic Warp Star hover above, beaming down an alert signal, as Beck's lyrics scribbled on torn notebook pages swirl around them, forecasting an impending catastrophe. The colors are muted, with a dominant tone of industrial grey, as if the scene was drawn from a vintage, worn-out paperback sci-fi novel.

A faded, retro-futuristic illustration of Key Carson, surrounded by miniature cityscapes and construction cranes, standing precariously on a tightrope above a maze of blueprints and scattered papers. Kirby's iconic Warp Star hover above, beaming down an alert signal, as Beck's lyrics scribbled on torn notebook pages swirl around them, forecasting an impending catastrophe. The colors are muted, with a dominant tone of industrial grey, as if the scene was drawn from a vintage, worn-out paperback sci-fi novel.

{ "seed": "1842129767", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
