A dynamic fusion portrait of Goku and Naruto, both in their Sage...

A dynamic fusion portrait of Goku and Naruto, both in their Sage of Six Paths mode, set against a backdrop of swirling cosmic energy. The powerful duo, radiating wisdom and strength, are depicted in a dramatic pose, their eyes glowing with determination. The portrait is filled with intricate details, such as the swirling energy trails and the iconic symbols of their respective worlds, creating an aura of mystique and power. estilo realista

A dynamic fusion portrait of Goku and Naruto, both in their Sage of Six Paths mode, set against a backdrop of swirling cosmic energy. The powerful duo, radiating wisdom and strength, are depicted in a dramatic pose, their eyes glowing with determination. The portrait is filled with intricate details, such as the swirling energy trails and the iconic symbols of their respective worlds, creating an aura of mystique and power. estilo realista

{ "seed": "3290317433", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
