Futuristic space station double as alien colony, multiple varian...

Futuristic space station double as alien colony, multiple variance-in-design spaceships docked or adrift near structure, vibrant blue, orange, red LED lights adorning the intricate architecture, diverse extraterrestrial beings in eclectic attire engaging in varied activities, construction equipment in use, colossal glowing planet dominating the backdrop, drone capturing the essence of interstellar habitation, vast scale, octane rendering, UHD. 4D 750k UHD resolution, Use the design styles of Larry Niven, Steven Spielberg, & J. Michael Straczynski.Futuristic space station double as alien colony, multiple variance-in-design spaceships docked or adrift near structure, vibrant blue, orange, red LED lights adorning the intricate architecture, diverse extraterrestrial beings in eclectic attire engaging in varied activities, construction equipment in use, colossal glowing planet dominating the backdrop, drone capturing the essence of interstellar habitation, vast scale, octane rendering, UHD. 4D 750k UHD resolution, Use the design styles of Larry Niven, Steven Spielberg, & J. Michael Straczynski, Harlan Ellison.Gold Chrome cobalt steel tube starship, length 144', positioned at a 45-degree angle from the front, culvert shaped body diameter of 288', 2 diamond nacels fashioned like AAA batteries, length 96', angle 90 degrees above ship's rear, orbiting Saturn near one of its rings, a nearby nebula hosting a similar fleet of starships engaged in battle, high-resolution space opera scene. This is designed by Harlan Ellison, Leonardo Da Vinci, Matt Jeffries.Futuristic space station double as alien colony, multiple design spaceships docked or adrift near structure, vibrant blue, orange, red LED lights adorning the intricate architecture,diverse extraterrestrial beings in eclectic attire engaging in varied activities, construction equipment in use, colossal glowing planet dominating the backdrop, drone capturing the essence of interstellar.A futuristic space scene with a vast array of technologically advanced spaceships hovering inside of an epically massive space station. The station is illuminated with vibrant neon lights, casting a pinkish-purple glow, with intricate designs and pathways. In the background, there are towering mountain ranges bathed in an orange hue, possibly from a setting or rising sun.

Futuristic space station double as alien colony, multiple variance-in-design spaceships docked or adrift near structure, vibrant blue, orange, red LED lights adorning the intricate architecture, diverse extraterrestrial beings in eclectic attire engaging in varied activities, construction equipment in use, colossal glowing planet dominating the backdrop, drone capturing the essence of interstellar habitation, vast scale, octane rendering, UHD. 4D 750k UHD resolution, Use the design styles of Larry Niven, Steven Spielberg, & J. Michael Straczynski.Futuristic space station double as alien colony, multiple variance-in-design spaceships docked or adrift near structure, vibrant blue, orange, red LED lights adorning the intricate architecture, diverse extraterrestrial beings in eclectic attire engaging in varied activities, construction equipment in use, colossal glowing planet dominating the backdrop, drone capturing the essence of interstellar habitation, vast scale, octane rendering, UHD. 4D 750k UHD resolution, Use the design styles of Larry Niven, Steven Spielberg, & J. Michael Straczynski, Harlan Ellison.Gold Chrome cobalt steel tube starship, length 144', positioned at a 45-degree angle from the front, culvert shaped body diameter of 288', 2 diamond nacels fashioned like AAA batteries, length 96', angle 90 degrees above ship's rear, orbiting Saturn near one of its rings, a nearby nebula hosting a similar fleet of starships engaged in battle, high-resolution space opera scene. This is designed by Harlan Ellison, Leonardo Da Vinci, Matt Jeffries.Futuristic space station double as alien colony, multiple design spaceships docked or adrift near structure, vibrant blue, orange, red LED lights adorning the intricate architecture,diverse extraterrestrial beings in eclectic attire engaging in varied activities, construction equipment in use, colossal glowing planet dominating the backdrop, drone capturing the essence of interstellar.A futuristic space scene with a vast array of technologically advanced spaceships hovering inside of an epically massive space station. The station is illuminated with vibrant neon lights, casting a pinkish-purple glow, with intricate designs and pathways. In the background, there are towering mountain ranges bathed in an orange hue, possibly from a setting or rising sun.

{ "seed": "1701296272", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
