An illustration of a group of colorful, anthropomorphic birds pe...

An illustration of a group of colorful, anthropomorphic birds performing a lively musical number on a grand stage adorned with vibrant, tropical foliage and twinkling lights. The birds are dressed in elaborate, feathery costumes, their beaks and eyes expressing joy and excitement. The title "Hakuna Mah Burd Tah-Ta" is prominently displayed in bold, glittering letters above the stage. The image is stylized with a whimsical, cartoonish aesthetic, reminiscent of classic Broadway show posters.

An illustration of a group of colorful, anthropomorphic birds performing a lively musical number on a grand stage adorned with vibrant, tropical foliage and twinkling lights. The birds are dressed in elaborate, feathery costumes, their beaks and eyes expressing joy and excitement. The title "Hakuna Mah Burd Tah-Ta" is prominently displayed in bold, glittering letters above the stage. The image is stylized with a whimsical, cartoonish aesthetic, reminiscent of classic Broadway show posters.

{ "seed": "1071472721", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
