A sprawling, intricate isometric technical drawing depicts a lab...

A sprawling, intricate isometric technical drawing depicts a labyrinthine air traffic control system, with flights represented as swooping curves and arcs. Monitors and screens flash with data, while flags bearing the logos of United Airlines, American Airlines, and the FAA flutter in a futuristic hub. The background hums with a soft blue glow, evoking a sense of cutting-edge technology and precision. Amidst the web of lines and nodes, a bold, red "GROUNDed" stamp dominates the center, as if a master controller has paused the entire system.

A sprawling, intricate isometric technical drawing depicts a labyrinthine air traffic control system, with flights represented as swooping curves and arcs. Monitors and screens flash with data, while flags bearing the logos of United Airlines, American Airlines, and the FAA flutter in a futuristic hub. The background hums with a soft blue glow, evoking a sense of cutting-edge technology and precision. Amidst the web of lines and nodes, a bold, red "GROUNDed" stamp dominates the center, as if a master controller has paused the entire system.

{ "seed": "4056174480", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
