Futuristic space station double as alien colony, multiple varian...

Futuristic space station double as alien colony, multiple variance-in-design spaceships docked or adrift near structure, vibrant blue, orange, red LED lights adorning the intricate architecture, diverse extraterrestrial beings in eclectic attire engaging in varied activities, construction equipment in use, colossal glowing planet dominating the backdrop, drone capturing the essence of interstellar habitation, vast scale, octane rendering, UHD., Trippy, 3D, Trippy, 750k UHD resolution, Use the design styles of Larry Niven, Steven Spielberg, & Stanley Kubrick.

Futuristic space station double as alien colony, multiple variance-in-design spaceships docked or adrift near structure, vibrant blue, orange, red LED lights adorning the intricate architecture, diverse extraterrestrial beings in eclectic attire engaging in varied activities, construction equipment in use, colossal glowing planet dominating the backdrop, drone capturing the essence of interstellar habitation, vast scale, octane rendering, UHD., Trippy, 3D, Trippy, 750k UHD resolution, Use the design styles of Larry Niven, Steven Spielberg, & Stanley Kubrick.

{ "seed": "2510953153", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
