Futuristic concept art featuring a colossal starship composed of...

Futuristic concept art featuring a colossal starship composed of a giant gold 1974 Winnebago, protected by a translucent diamond shield offering a star-and-galaxy spectacle, influenced by Larry Niven's imagination and Leonardo Da Vinci's style, symmetrical architecture on display, interiors visible with families engaged in leisure activities on open deck spaces adorned with chairs, dining tables, vivid use of colors, exquisite details, grilling & other cooking equipment. Futuristic concept art featuring a colossal starship composed of giant gold 1974 Winnebago, protected by a translucent diamond shield offering a star-and-galaxy spectacle, influenced by Larry Niven's imagination and Leonardo Da Vinci's style, symmetrical architecture on display, interiors visible with families engaged in leisure activities on open deck spaces adorned with chairs, dining tables, vivid use of colors, exquisite details, grilling & other cooking equipment. , Trippy

Futuristic concept art featuring a colossal starship composed of a giant gold 1974 Winnebago, protected by a translucent diamond shield offering a star-and-galaxy spectacle, influenced by Larry Niven's imagination and Leonardo Da Vinci's style, symmetrical architecture on display, interiors visible with families engaged in leisure activities on open deck spaces adorned with chairs, dining tables, vivid use of colors, exquisite details, grilling & other cooking equipment. Futuristic concept art featuring a colossal starship composed of giant gold 1974 Winnebago, protected by a translucent diamond shield offering a star-and-galaxy spectacle, influenced by Larry Niven's imagination and Leonardo Da Vinci's style, symmetrical architecture on display, interiors visible with families engaged in leisure activities on open deck spaces adorned with chairs, dining tables, vivid use of colors, exquisite details, grilling & other cooking equipment. , Trippy

{ "seed": "3325152725", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
