A cinematic, 3D render of a futuristic space station, inspired b...

A cinematic, 3D render of a futuristic space station, inspired by Harlan Ellison, Judy Garfield & Reeves Stevens, & Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. The colossal factory shipyard is shaped like Deep Space 9, but dwarfs Babylon 5 in size. It features a perfect amalgamation of dark beach orange and metallic accents, standing out against the blackness of space. In the background, vibrant stars, a nebula, and a comet swirl together, creating a captivating visual. Styles of neon urban.
(((The space station is massively bigger than Babylon 5, but in the shape of Deep Space 9))). (((The space station has 6 O'Neal Class space stations off in 5 directions, & 1 down the middle))).There are hundreds of starships going to & fro, from the station, at any hour of the day., 3D, Trippy

A cinematic, 3D render of a futuristic space station, inspired by Harlan Ellison, Judy Garfield & Reeves Stevens, & Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. The colossal factory shipyard is shaped like Deep Space 9, but dwarfs Babylon 5 in size. It features a perfect amalgamation of dark beach orange and metallic accents, standing out against the blackness of space. In the background, vibrant stars, a nebula, and a comet swirl together, creating a captivating visual. Styles of neon urban. (((The space station is massively bigger than Babylon 5, but in the shape of Deep Space 9))). (((The space station has 6 O'Neal Class space stations off in 5 directions, & 1 down the middle))).There are hundreds of starships going to & fro, from the station, at any hour of the day., 3D, Trippy

{ "seed": "2484663018", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
