A cinematic, 3D render of a futuristic space station, inspired b...

A cinematic, 3D render of a futuristic space station, inspired by J. Michael Straczynski, H.G. Wells, Stanley Kubrick, and Norman Rockwell. The colossal factory shipyard is shaped like Deep Space 9, but dwarfs Babylon 5 in size. It features a perfect amalgamation of dark beach orange and metallic accents, standing out against the blackness of space. In the background, vibrant stars, a nebula, and a comet swirl together, creating a captivating visual experience.
(((The space station is massively bigger than Babylon 5, but in the shape of Deep Space 9))). (((The space station has 6 O'Neal Class space stations off in 5 directions, & 1 down the middle))).There are hundreds of starships going to & fro, from the station, at any hour of the day. This station is a nod, to J. Michael Straczynski, H.G. Wells, Stanley Kubrick, & Norman Rockwell.
The space station is surrounded by hundreds of starships, constantly moving to and fro, highlighting the bustling activity in this breathtaking scene. The architecture and design elements, such as vibrant glass, crystal, and diamond accents, add to the overall realism and immersive atmosphere.

A cinematic, 3D render of a futuristic space station, inspired by J. Michael Straczynski, H.G. Wells, Stanley Kubrick, and Norman Rockwell. The colossal factory shipyard is shaped like Deep Space 9, but dwarfs Babylon 5 in size. It features a perfect amalgamation of dark beach orange and metallic accents, standing out against the blackness of space. In the background, vibrant stars, a nebula, and a comet swirl together, creating a captivating visual experience. (((The space station is massively bigger than Babylon 5, but in the shape of Deep Space 9))). (((The space station has 6 O'Neal Class space stations off in 5 directions, & 1 down the middle))).There are hundreds of starships going to & fro, from the station, at any hour of the day. This station is a nod, to J. Michael Straczynski, H.G. Wells, Stanley Kubrick, & Norman Rockwell. The space station is surrounded by hundreds of starships, constantly moving to and fro, highlighting the bustling activity in this breathtaking scene. The architecture and design elements, such as vibrant glass, crystal, and diamond accents, add to the overall realism and immersive atmosphere.

{ "seed": "3871199754", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
