This other world looks like a mixture of a dream and a nightmare...

This other world looks like a mixture of a dream and a nightmare. The sky is a swirling mass of colors, some bright and some dark, shifting in and out of focus. conceptual digital art. Cubism, religiosity, dualism. Into, inside out, insert. Crispy quality, quicksand-like substance. Strange, almost animal-like creatures roam the landscape, some passive, some outright hostile. There's a sense of dread and danger in the air

This other world looks like a mixture of a dream and a nightmare. The sky is a swirling mass of colors, some bright and some dark, shifting in and out of focus. conceptual digital art. Cubism, religiosity, dualism. Into, inside out, insert. Crispy quality, quicksand-like substance. Strange, almost animal-like creatures roam the landscape, some passive, some outright hostile. There's a sense of dread and danger in the air

{ "seed": "3002311147", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
