A captivating futuristic portrait of a biopunk species living on...

A captivating futuristic portrait of a biopunk species living on a colossal, metallic pomegranate-shaped starship, designed as a wired-constructed eagle. The creature has a unique appearance, blending elements of Ridley Scott, George Lucas, and 125% Jim Henson's styles, with vibrant colors and intricate details. The starship's architecture combines elements from Star Wars, Ridley Scott's vision, and Larry Niven's imagination. The scene is set against a backdrop of dark fantasy and cinematic flair, with vivid hues and 3D rendered fashion elements, creating an immersive and captivating atmosphere.This a biopunk species living on a Starship, which is in the shape of a giant metallic pomegranate colored wired constructed eagle. The biopunk species is in the styles of Quentin Tarantino & Stanley Kubrick. This starship is amalgamation of Star Wars' style ship, Michael Westmore, & Arthur C. Clarke.

A captivating futuristic portrait of a biopunk species living on a colossal, metallic pomegranate-shaped starship, designed as a wired-constructed eagle. The creature has a unique appearance, blending elements of Ridley Scott, George Lucas, and 125% Jim Henson's styles, with vibrant colors and intricate details. The starship's architecture combines elements from Star Wars, Ridley Scott's vision, and Larry Niven's imagination. The scene is set against a backdrop of dark fantasy and cinematic flair, with vivid hues and 3D rendered fashion elements, creating an immersive and captivating atmosphere.This a biopunk species living on a Starship, which is in the shape of a giant metallic pomegranate colored wired constructed eagle. The biopunk species is in the styles of Quentin Tarantino & Stanley Kubrick. This starship is amalgamation of Star Wars' style ship, Michael Westmore, & Arthur C. Clarke.

{ "seed": "1997793398", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
