A captivating dark fantasy illustration featuring a grim spiderm...

A captivating dark fantasy illustration featuring a grim spiderman sitting cross-legged within a circle of flickering candles. With a nonchalant attitude, the reaper casually sips from a steaming mug of black coffee, his skeletal hand holding the cup. A sinister smile adorns his skull-like face, and his signature scythe leans against his side. The text "Good Mourning" is inscribed below in an elegant, gothic font, adding a touch of wit to the eerie scene. The overall composition exudes a cinematic quality, making it a perfect choice for a unique sticker or tattoo design

A captivating dark fantasy illustration featuring a grim spiderman sitting cross-legged within a circle of flickering candles. With a nonchalant attitude, the reaper casually sips from a steaming mug of black coffee, his skeletal hand holding the cup. A sinister smile adorns his skull-like face, and his signature scythe leans against his side. The text "Good Mourning" is inscribed below in an elegant, gothic font, adding a touch of wit to the eerie scene. The overall composition exudes a cinematic quality, making it a perfect choice for a unique sticker or tattoo design

{ "seed": "131840310", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
