A breathtaking, awe-inspiring steampunk star batship designed by...

A breathtaking, awe-inspiring steampunk star batship designed by Spielberg, soaring through the vastness of space near Saturn. The ship is adorned with 750,000 intricate details and features, including a glowing motherboard that forms its backbone. Numerous smoke-belching diodes and riveting artillery are visible, while sparks crackle in the periphery. The crystal diamond bat-ear-shaped nacelles in the rear illuminate the scene, and the ship's design seamlessly blends elements of anime, fashion,architecture, and more. The overall atmosphere is a captivating dark fantasy world, combining typography, product, poster, 3D render, portrait photography, and cinematic elements into a visually stunning masterpiece.

A breathtaking, awe-inspiring steampunk star batship designed by Spielberg, soaring through the vastness of space near Saturn. The ship is adorned with 750,000 intricate details and features, including a glowing motherboard that forms its backbone. Numerous smoke-belching diodes and riveting artillery are visible, while sparks crackle in the periphery. The crystal diamond bat-ear-shaped nacelles in the rear illuminate the scene, and the ship's design seamlessly blends elements of anime, fashion,architecture, and more. The overall atmosphere is a captivating dark fantasy world, combining typography, product, poster, 3D render, portrait photography, and cinematic elements into a visually stunning masterpiece.

{ "seed": "1725330920", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
