A cyberpunk anthropomorphic Cobra warrior holding an assault rif...

A cyberpunk anthropomorphic Cobra warrior holding an assault rifle, Wearing Cobra skin armor, Behind is a bamboo forest, Fine details, Best quality, 8k, high resolution, (masterpiece:1.2), Super Detail, (1.4x more realism), HDR, Professional Studio Lighting, Ultra-fine, Clear depth of field, Physically Based Rendering, Extremely detailed description, Professional, Vivid colors, Film texture

A cyberpunk anthropomorphic Cobra warrior holding an assault rifle, Wearing Cobra skin armor, Behind is a bamboo forest, Fine details, Best quality, 8k, high resolution, (masterpiece:1.2), Super Detail, (1.4x more realism), HDR, Professional Studio Lighting, Ultra-fine, Clear depth of field, Physically Based Rendering, Extremely detailed description, Professional, Vivid colors, Film texture

{ "seed": "2003411348", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
