my hero academia male oc portrayal of a young male hero named Ta...

my hero academia male oc portrayal of a young male hero named Taro Kage with an athletic and muscular build. He has rich brown skin and short, messy black hair with a slight spiky look. His deep black eyes hold an intense gaze. Taro is surrounded by a vibrant red aura that crackles with energy, resembling red lightning or flames, illuminating the scene. He wears a dark, armored bodysuit with red highlights that pulsate with his energy. The suit is flexible yet durable, designed to withstand high-energy impacts. A sleek black mask covers the upper part of his face, leaving only his intense black eyes visible. The mask has intricate red flame patterns that glow faintly. He is equipped with red gloves for enhanced grip and combat boots for agility and protection. In the background, there’s a cityscape at night, with tall buildings and a few scattered lights, emphasizing the urban setting. The style is dynamic and action-packed, capturing the moment he prepares for battle, with his red aura glowing brightly against the dark night.

my hero academia male oc portrayal of a young male hero named Taro Kage with an athletic and muscular build. He has rich brown skin and short, messy black hair with a slight spiky look. His deep black eyes hold an intense gaze. Taro is surrounded by a vibrant red aura that crackles with energy, resembling red lightning or flames, illuminating the scene. He wears a dark, armored bodysuit with red highlights that pulsate with his energy. The suit is flexible yet durable, designed to withstand high-energy impacts. A sleek black mask covers the upper part of his face, leaving only his intense black eyes visible. The mask has intricate red flame patterns that glow faintly. He is equipped with red gloves for enhanced grip and combat boots for agility and protection. In the background, there’s a cityscape at night, with tall buildings and a few scattered lights, emphasizing the urban setting. The style is dynamic and action-packed, capturing the moment he prepares for battle, with his red aura glowing brightly against the dark night.

{ "seed": "2534362198", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
