A breathtaking conceptual art piece showcasing an enormous space...

A breathtaking conceptual art piece showcasing an enormous space station, Deep Space 9 style but in the shape of Babylon 5. In the style of protovision and 3D render, the station is surrounded by six O'Neal Class space stations, arranged in equilateral formation, with one in the center. The space station is as massive as 10 times Saturn and generates its own power, illuminating the surrounding area with vibrant glass and crystal diamond-like structures. It's a world memorizing world into itself. At the zenith, of the structure is the command center, in the shape of a metallic gold wired constructed circular 1974 Winnebago. This cinematic scene, inspired by Walter Matt Jeffries, Arthur C Clarke, & Leonardo Da Vinci, features a massive bustling spaceport with hundreds of starships constantly arriving and departing, while the background showcases a stunning cosmic landscape of stars, a nebula, and a comet. It's in 2 million UHD Resolution. The overall composition is a masterful blend of architecture, portrait photography, and the vision of life in the year 5,000., cinematic, vibrant, dark fantasy, architecture, photo, conceptual art, fashion, portrait photography, graffiti, 3d render

A breathtaking conceptual art piece showcasing an enormous space station, Deep Space 9 style but in the shape of Babylon 5. In the style of protovision and 3D render, the station is surrounded by six O'Neal Class space stations, arranged in equilateral formation, with one in the center. The space station is as massive as 10 times Saturn and generates its own power, illuminating the surrounding area with vibrant glass and crystal diamond-like structures. It's a world memorizing world into itself. At the zenith, of the structure is the command center, in the shape of a metallic gold wired constructed circular 1974 Winnebago. This cinematic scene, inspired by Walter Matt Jeffries, Arthur C Clarke, & Leonardo Da Vinci, features a massive bustling spaceport with hundreds of starships constantly arriving and departing, while the background showcases a stunning cosmic landscape of stars, a nebula, and a comet. It's in 2 million UHD Resolution. The overall composition is a masterful blend of architecture, portrait photography, and the vision of life in the year 5,000., cinematic, vibrant, dark fantasy, architecture, photo, conceptual art, fashion, portrait photography, graffiti, 3d render

{ "seed": "233338976", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
