A cartoon graphic inspired by an investor resembling Warren Buff...

A cartoon graphic inspired by an investor resembling Warren Buffett. The character has an oversized head and signature glasses, holding a giant dollar sign. He is wearing a suit but with playful, exaggerated features, like big, goofy shoes and a playful grin. The background includes stacks of money and stock charts, with a speech bubble saying, 'Time to make some profits!' The style is light-hearted and comical, with bright and engaging colors., Cartoon

A cartoon graphic inspired by an investor resembling Warren Buffett. The character has an oversized head and signature glasses, holding a giant dollar sign. He is wearing a suit but with playful, exaggerated features, like big, goofy shoes and a playful grin. The background includes stacks of money and stock charts, with a speech bubble saying, 'Time to make some profits!' The style is light-hearted and comical, with bright and engaging colors., Cartoon

{ "seed": "2293083856", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
