Create A breathtaking, cinematic 3D render of a futuristic steam...

Create A breathtaking, cinematic 3D render of a futuristic steampunk starship that masterfully fuses elements of (((cylindrical 1974 Winnebago & a medieval chariot))), (((without the horses))), into the starship's bridge, and a G'Quan Class Heavy Battle Cruiser from Babylon 5, for the in mid section of the starship. The base is in the bottom center of the starship, &resembles a (((cylindrical version of a 1980s aircraft carrier))).This starship has a (((metallic gold, & lime green matte, for its colors))). The massive spacecraft is in space orbiting a mesmerizing (((Giant Mercury-Earth-esque planet))) with a vibrant multicolored surface creating a stunning visual effect. The starry cosmos in the background is filled with additional starships, each gracefully interacting in space. Steampunk, Cyberpunk, Leonardo Da Vinci, & Stanley Kubrick's artistic styles., Trippy

Create A breathtaking, cinematic 3D render of a futuristic steampunk starship that masterfully fuses elements of (((cylindrical 1974 Winnebago & a medieval chariot))), (((without the horses))), into the starship's bridge, and a G'Quan Class Heavy Battle Cruiser from Babylon 5, for the in mid section of the starship. The base is in the bottom center of the starship, &resembles a (((cylindrical version of a 1980s aircraft carrier))).This starship has a (((metallic gold, & lime green matte, for its colors))). The massive spacecraft is in space orbiting a mesmerizing (((Giant Mercury-Earth-esque planet))) with a vibrant multicolored surface creating a stunning visual effect. The starry cosmos in the background is filled with additional starships, each gracefully interacting in space. Steampunk, Cyberpunk, Leonardo Da Vinci, & Stanley Kubrick's artistic styles., Trippy

{ "seed": "3775618916", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
