“Design a vector image that artistically represents a human skel...

“Design a vector image that artistically represents a human skeleton with a heart at its center, depicted as if it’s bleeding. Surround the heart and skeleton with an array of intertwining flowers, adding a contrast of life and beauty to the composition. The entire image should be styled as a delicate pencil sketch, with attention to fine lines and shading to give depth and texture to the elements. Emphasize the interplay of anatomy and flora to create a striking, poignant piece.”

“Design a vector image that artistically represents a human skeleton with a heart at its center, depicted as if it’s bleeding. Surround the heart and skeleton with an array of intertwining flowers, adding a contrast of life and beauty to the composition. The entire image should be styled as a delicate pencil sketch, with attention to fine lines and shading to give depth and texture to the elements. Emphasize the interplay of anatomy and flora to create a striking, poignant piece.”

{ "seed": "823837532", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
