An underwater staircase of bright orange coral descends into the...

An underwater staircase of bright orange coral descends into the deep, illuminated by shimmering blue-green light. A magnifying glass made from an iridescent pink seashell reveals the intricate details of colorful marine life inhabiting the staircase and the dark blue waters around it. The staircase leads deeper, full of wonder and mystery, with strange growths and bioluminescent sponges lighting the way.
post production, post-processing, 8k, retouch, HDR, Super-Resolution, Soft Lighting, Ray Tracing Global Illumination, Lumen Reflections, pastel color palette, art deco, Bloodborne feeling

An underwater staircase of bright orange coral descends into the deep, illuminated by shimmering blue-green light. A magnifying glass made from an iridescent pink seashell reveals the intricate details of colorful marine life inhabiting the staircase and the dark blue waters around it. The staircase leads deeper, full of wonder and mystery, with strange growths and bioluminescent sponges lighting the way. post production, post-processing, 8k, retouch, HDR, Super-Resolution, Soft Lighting, Ray Tracing Global Illumination, Lumen Reflections, pastel color palette, art deco, Bloodborne feeling

{ "seed": "354205838", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
