Create an image where the scene shows a public square, surrounde...

Create an image where the scene shows a public square, surrounded by a diverse group of black slaves who have been freed from slavery. Their expressions reflect joy, hope and a new sense of freedom should include broken chains lying at the feet of General Urbina president of Ecuador, while a book or document represents the law of manumission. The scene is set in 1859, the beginning of the republic. The color palette should be warm and the natural lighting should enhance the solemnity and jubilation of the moment.

Create an image where the scene shows a public square, surrounded by a diverse group of black slaves who have been freed from slavery. Their expressions reflect joy, hope and a new sense of freedom should include broken chains lying at the feet of General Urbina president of Ecuador, while a book or document represents the law of manumission. The scene is set in 1859, the beginning of the republic. The color palette should be warm and the natural lighting should enhance the solemnity and jubilation of the moment.

{ "seed": "988400527", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
