Design a movie poster depicting the story of Little Red Riding H...

Design a movie poster depicting the story of Little Red Riding Hood under the direction of Christopher Nolan. The image should include the face of Little Red Riding Hood, showing innocence and vulnerability, and the face of the wolf, with a menacing and malevolent expression. Both faces should be divided by an axe, symbolizing the danger and confrontation between the two characters. The design should capture the dark and mysterious atmosphere characteristic of Nolan's films., 3D, Closeup

Design a movie poster depicting the story of Little Red Riding Hood under the direction of Christopher Nolan. The image should include the face of Little Red Riding Hood, showing innocence and vulnerability, and the face of the wolf, with a menacing and malevolent expression. Both faces should be divided by an axe, symbolizing the danger and confrontation between the two characters. The design should capture the dark and mysterious atmosphere characteristic of Nolan's films., 3D, Closeup

{ "seed": "1941364079", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
