Generate an image that represents the mental control of the medi...

Generate an image that represents the mental control of the media over society. He visualizes journalists as puppets, manipulating the strings of public opinion. The image shows how media agendas are shaped to serve political and corporate interests, perpetuating social inequalities and limiting society's ability to reason critically. It highlights the importance of a critical and reflective approach towards the influence of the media on public perception and the construction of social reality.

Generate an image that represents the mental control of the media over society. He visualizes journalists as puppets, manipulating the strings of public opinion. The image shows how media agendas are shaped to serve political and corporate interests, perpetuating social inequalities and limiting society's ability to reason critically. It highlights the importance of a critical and reflective approach towards the influence of the media on public perception and the construction of social reality.

{ "seed": "3913895222", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
