The image showcases a traditional stained glass window depicting...

The image showcases a traditional stained glass window depicting an epic battle between an angel and a demon.  The image is representing the phrase "Let's walk together towards the new life", there must be a small family of 1 father, a mother and a daughter.

 The stained glass window is intricately detailed, with a rich palette of colors.  The upper portion of the window displays symmetrical designs with a variety of vibrant colors that resemble flames, suggesting the intensity of the heavenly battle., Pencil Sketch,

The image showcases a traditional stained glass window depicting an epic battle between an angel and a demon. The image is representing the phrase "Let's walk together towards the new life", there must be a small family of 1 father, a mother and a daughter. The stained glass window is intricately detailed, with a rich palette of colors. The upper portion of the window displays symmetrical designs with a variety of vibrant colors that resemble flames, suggesting the intensity of the heavenly battle., Pencil Sketch,

{ "seed": "70208286", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
