A high-resolution 3D digital painting of a female sci-fi warrior...

A high-resolution 3D digital painting of a female sci-fi warrior robot in a dystopian setting. The warrior is a human-like figure with a muscular, busty build and a confident posture. The warrior wears full-body armor that covers every inch of skin. The armor is made of metal and has a glossy white coating covering most parts, with intricate golden patterns and designs that resemble ancient symbols and runes on various parts. The armor also has turquoise lights that glow in various parts, such as the chest, shoulders, wrists, knees, and ankles. The lights create a striking contrast with the dark environment and highlight the warrior's presence. The warrior's face is hidden by a metallic mask that matches the armor. The mask has a visor that covers the eyes and has the same turquoise lights. The warrior holds a sword in the right hand and a shield in the left hand. The sword and the shield are also made of metal and have the same white & gold color scheme. The shield is round and has a large emblem in the center that depicts a stylized dragon. The shield also has the same turquoise lights around the edge. The light sources create a dramatic effect and illuminate the dark sky. The sky is cloudy and stormy and has also has flashes of lightning that add to the tension and excitement of the scene. The painting has a realistic and detailed style, with smooth and sharp textures. The painting uses a contrasted and complementary color scheme of gold, white, and turquoise against dark and muted tones. The painting has a dynamic and dramatic lighting, with bright and glowing sources of light that create strong shadows and highlights. The painting has a futuristic and fantasy theme, with elements of technology and magic.
, 3D

A high-resolution 3D digital painting of a female sci-fi warrior robot in a dystopian setting. The warrior is a human-like figure with a muscular, busty build and a confident posture. The warrior wears full-body armor that covers every inch of skin. The armor is made of metal and has a glossy white coating covering most parts, with intricate golden patterns and designs that resemble ancient symbols and runes on various parts. The armor also has turquoise lights that glow in various parts, such as the chest, shoulders, wrists, knees, and ankles. The lights create a striking contrast with the dark environment and highlight the warrior's presence. The warrior's face is hidden by a metallic mask that matches the armor. The mask has a visor that covers the eyes and has the same turquoise lights. The warrior holds a sword in the right hand and a shield in the left hand. The sword and the shield are also made of metal and have the same white & gold color scheme. The shield is round and has a large emblem in the center that depicts a stylized dragon. The shield also has the same turquoise lights around the edge. The light sources create a dramatic effect and illuminate the dark sky. The sky is cloudy and stormy and has also has flashes of lightning that add to the tension and excitement of the scene. The painting has a realistic and detailed style, with smooth and sharp textures. The painting uses a contrasted and complementary color scheme of gold, white, and turquoise against dark and muted tones. The painting has a dynamic and dramatic lighting, with bright and glowing sources of light that create strong shadows and highlights. The painting has a futuristic and fantasy theme, with elements of technology and magic. , 3D

{ "seed": "3034373312", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
