God had no form, but had a conceptual existence. The presence of...

God had no form, but had a conceptual existence. The presence of a Japanese-style altar and lightning tells the story. , realistic portraits, animated concept art, art by Rimpa, from sky depictions to lightning strikes, art by Taikan Yokoyama, Takashi Murakami, art by Yonobu Kano, art: Einoh Kano, art: Keith Haring, photography, epic, volume lighting, art: Eitoku Kano, illustration, art: Keith Haring

God had no form, but had a conceptual existence. The presence of a Japanese-style altar and lightning tells the story. , realistic portraits, animated concept art, art by Rimpa, from sky depictions to lightning strikes, art by Taikan Yokoyama, Takashi Murakami, art by Yonobu Kano, art: Einoh Kano, art: Keith Haring, photography, epic, volume lighting, art: Eitoku Kano, illustration, art: Keith Haring

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