In a whimsical and surreal setting, a vintage steam locomotive s...

In a whimsical and surreal setting, a vintage steam locomotive stands majestically at an old-fashioned railway station platform. The train is whimsically overrun by a coalition of cheetahs, each with a playful and curious demeanor. The cheetahs are clambering on the train's engine and carriages, some peering out with interest, while others playfully chase each other. On the platform, a surprised young woman with long hair, wearing a simple outfit comprising a blue top, fitted jeans, and brown boots, stands with her hands raised in astonishment. Her expression is one of disbelief and awe as she witnesses the unexpected scene. The atmosphere is one of controlled chaos, with the cheetahs adding a wild and energetic vibe to the otherwise serene setting. The lighting is that of early morning, casting a warm glow and long shadows, highlighting the details of the steam train and the cheetahs' spotted coats.

In a whimsical and surreal setting, a vintage steam locomotive stands majestically at an old-fashioned railway station platform. The train is whimsically overrun by a coalition of cheetahs, each with a playful and curious demeanor. The cheetahs are clambering on the train's engine and carriages, some peering out with interest, while others playfully chase each other. On the platform, a surprised young woman with long hair, wearing a simple outfit comprising a blue top, fitted jeans, and brown boots, stands with her hands raised in astonishment. Her expression is one of disbelief and awe as she witnesses the unexpected scene. The atmosphere is one of controlled chaos, with the cheetahs adding a wild and energetic vibe to the otherwise serene setting. The lighting is that of early morning, casting a warm glow and long shadows, highlighting the details of the steam train and the cheetahs' spotted coats.

{ "seed": "2705806113", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
