A comic strip sequence of several panels, each depicting the sam...

A comic strip sequence of several panels, each depicting the same scene about a 30-year-old athletic Egyptian warrior woman with reddish-brown hair who stands on top of a hill (seen from the rear right) shooting downward arrows, one after another, against an army of egyptian warriors men coming from far away on horseback towards her, and in the last panel of the comic strip sequence it is seen how an arrow hits the chest of one of the enemies. Detailed Kinetic comic, Cartoon

A comic strip sequence of several panels, each depicting the same scene about a 30-year-old athletic Egyptian warrior woman with reddish-brown hair who stands on top of a hill (seen from the rear right) shooting downward arrows, one after another, against an army of egyptian warriors men coming from far away on horseback towards her, and in the last panel of the comic strip sequence it is seen how an arrow hits the chest of one of the enemies. Detailed Kinetic comic, Cartoon

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