A comic strip sequence of only two panels, each depicting the sa...

A comic strip sequence of only two panels, each depicting the same scene of Amazon women riding at full gallop towards the grand Atlantis city, viewed from behind in aerial view. Each panel shows the warriors equipped with shields, swords and bows, and the city with walls and with circular bastions and large battlements. The sequence should show the amazons women progressively getting closer to the doors of city in each panel, with kinetic and onomatopoeia resources in Detailed 90's full color comic vignette, highly detailed, epic, gorgeous, in the style of TOK

A comic strip sequence of only two panels, each depicting the same scene of Amazon women riding at full gallop towards the grand Atlantis city, viewed from behind in aerial view. Each panel shows the warriors equipped with shields, swords and bows, and the city with walls and with circular bastions and large battlements. The sequence should show the amazons women progressively getting closer to the doors of city in each panel, with kinetic and onomatopoeia resources in Detailed 90's full color comic vignette, highly detailed, epic, gorgeous, in the style of TOK

{ "seed": "3227143457", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
