The image is a close-up portrait of a woman with striking featur...

The image is a close-up portrait of a woman with striking features. She has fair skin, high cheekbones, and a warm, inviting smile that reveals pearly white teeth. Her bright blue eyes are the centerpiece of the image, giving a sense of depth and vitality. Her  hair is styled in a casual manner with some strands elegantly framing her face. She wears a black top with a hint of lace detail, suggesting a blend of comfort and sophistication. The lighting in the photo highlights her facial features and complements her complexion, adding to the overall allure and friendly aura of the image.

The image is a close-up portrait of a woman with striking features. She has fair skin, high cheekbones, and a warm, inviting smile that reveals pearly white teeth. Her bright blue eyes are the centerpiece of the image, giving a sense of depth and vitality. Her hair is styled in a casual manner with some strands elegantly framing her face. She wears a black top with a hint of lace detail, suggesting a blend of comfort and sophistication. The lighting in the photo highlights her facial features and complements her complexion, adding to the overall allure and friendly aura of the image.

{ "seed": "3841527245", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
