A digital art image of a female Gnome mage, approximately 30 yea...

A digital art image of a female Gnome mage, approximately 30 years old, in a World of Warcraft tavern, inspired by Rebecca Ferguson's appearance, with white hair styled in bunches and holding a long magical staff. The Gnome mage, who looks about 30 years old, has white hair in playful bunches and wears a fantasy-style robe with a white leather bodice. She holds a long magical staff that radiates mystical energy. The tavern scene is bustling with various fantasy characters, wooden tables, and mystical decorations, creating a vibrant World of Warcraft atmosphere.

A digital art image of a female Gnome mage, approximately 30 years old, in a World of Warcraft tavern, inspired by Rebecca Ferguson's appearance, with white hair styled in bunches and holding a long magical staff. The Gnome mage, who looks about 30 years old, has white hair in playful bunches and wears a fantasy-style robe with a white leather bodice. She holds a long magical staff that radiates mystical energy. The tavern scene is bustling with various fantasy characters, wooden tables, and mystical decorations, creating a vibrant World of Warcraft atmosphere.

{ "seed": "677718814", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
