Openheimer Movie Poster, An intense movie poster for 'Openheimer...

Openheimer Movie Poster, An intense movie poster for 'Openheimer' dominated by a nuclear explosion, accompanied by the phrase 'Ahora me he convertido en la Muerte, El destructor de mundos', An urban environment, with the poster plastered on a city wall, catching the attention of passersby, The mood is somber and haunting, reflecting the destructive power of the nuclear explosion and the chilling phrase on the poster, Art Deco style with expressive, rich jewel tones and radiating geometric patterns that add to the intensity of the poster, Poster designed digitally, capturing the Art Deco aesthetics and typography while balancing the color contrast for the explosion and the text, --ar 51:91 --style raw --s 750 --v 5. 2, Water Color

Openheimer Movie Poster, An intense movie poster for 'Openheimer' dominated by a nuclear explosion, accompanied by the phrase 'Ahora me he convertido en la Muerte, El destructor de mundos', An urban environment, with the poster plastered on a city wall, catching the attention of passersby, The mood is somber and haunting, reflecting the destructive power of the nuclear explosion and the chilling phrase on the poster, Art Deco style with expressive, rich jewel tones and radiating geometric patterns that add to the intensity of the poster, Poster designed digitally, capturing the Art Deco aesthetics and typography while balancing the color contrast for the explosion and the text, --ar 51:91 --style raw --s 750 --v 5. 2, Water Color

{ "seed": "2116927149", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
