dramatic action photograph of a ((frightened)), sexy, slender, f...

dramatic action photograph of a ((frightened)), sexy, slender, fit, tajik woman with green eyes, (((very dark brown skin))), short black hair, wet hair and skin, full lips, ((small breasts)), ((barcode cheek tattoo)),  wearing sheer blouse and silk skirt, thigh high boots, nose piercing, detailed hands and breasts, carrying a briefcase and ((holding a gun)), (((looking behind her, running through a rainy cyberpunk alley at night))), 85mm, cinematic lighting, wlop, by rembrandt

dramatic action photograph of a ((frightened)), sexy, slender, fit, tajik woman with green eyes, (((very dark brown skin))), short black hair, wet hair and skin, full lips, ((small breasts)), ((barcode cheek tattoo)), wearing sheer blouse and silk skirt, thigh high boots, nose piercing, detailed hands and breasts, carrying a briefcase and ((holding a gun)), (((looking behind her, running through a rainy cyberpunk alley at night))), 85mm, cinematic lighting, wlop, by rembrandt

{ "seed": "1152070027", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
