1girl, Illustration of a beautiful girl wearing black tights wit...

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1girl, Illustration of a beautiful girl wearing black tights with square underrim glasses. A beautiful girl with a short bob cut and red hair. She is wearing dark brown tights. She is wearing a slim white shirt, a slim brown tie, and a cardigan. She is wearing a pleated skirt. She is holding a wine glass in one hand in the wine cellar. By Makoto Shinkai, Stanley Artgerm Lau, WLOP, Rossdraws, James Jean, Andrei Riabovitchev, Marc Simonetti, krenz cushart, Sakimichan, trending on ArtStation, digital

{ "Seed": 48842, "Scale": 7.5, "Steps": 25, "Img Width": 512, "Img Height": 512, "model_version": "DiffusionBeecustom_Anything-V3_fp16", "Negative Prompt": "nsfw, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, infantile body type, artist name" }
