An awe-inspiring landscape showing a mountain range with rolling...

An awe-inspiring landscape showing a mountain range with rolling hills in the foreground. The overall vibe should be adventurous and wanderlust-evoking, with warm tones of oranges and yellows in the sky to convey a sunset or sunrise. A few birds soaring in the sky would add a touch of liveliness to the scene, and a human figure gazing at the view from an infinity pool thinking that the past is in your head and the future is in your hand on the foreground would help to emphasize the vastness of the landscape.

An awe-inspiring landscape showing a mountain range with rolling hills in the foreground. The overall vibe should be adventurous and wanderlust-evoking, with warm tones of oranges and yellows in the sky to convey a sunset or sunrise. A few birds soaring in the sky would add a touch of liveliness to the scene, and a human figure gazing at the view from an infinity pool thinking that the past is in your head and the future is in your hand on the foreground would help to emphasize the vastness of the landscape.

{ "seed": "3809532978", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
