Create a sleek, modern logo for ''. The design shou...

Create a sleek, modern logo for ''. The design should be based on a circular or geometric shape. For typography, use a contemporary sans-serif font with 'SmartMouth' in bold and '.ai' offset slightly. Incorporate a subtle, stylized image of a mouth with a playful smirk or wink. Overlay or integrate subtle neural network or circuitry themes. The color palette should be futuristic: cool blues or teals contrasted with sleek grays, accented with possible gold or electric yellow highlights.

Create a sleek, modern logo for ''. The design should be based on a circular or geometric shape. For typography, use a contemporary sans-serif font with 'SmartMouth' in bold and '.ai' offset slightly. Incorporate a subtle, stylized image of a mouth with a playful smirk or wink. Overlay or integrate subtle neural network or circuitry themes. The color palette should be futuristic: cool blues or teals contrasted with sleek grays, accented with possible gold or electric yellow highlights.

{ "seed": "199681459", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
