In the heart of an enchanted forest, in a clearing bathed in sof...

In the heart of an enchanted forest, in a clearing bathed in soft moonlight, lived a witch called Elara. She was renowned for her magical potions, but what set her apart from other wizards was her boundless sense of humour.
Her ancient cauldron, adorned with intricate designs, looked as if it had come straight out of a dream. Every morning, she set off into the forest to gather rare and exotic ingredients that promised magical results. She gathered bright rose petals, tickling phoenix feathers and laughing tree bark.

In the heart of an enchanted forest, in a clearing bathed in soft moonlight, lived a witch called Elara. She was renowned for her magical potions, but what set her apart from other wizards was her boundless sense of humour. Her ancient cauldron, adorned with intricate designs, looked as if it had come straight out of a dream. Every morning, she set off into the forest to gather rare and exotic ingredients that promised magical results. She gathered bright rose petals, tickling phoenix feathers and laughing tree bark.

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