"Craft a highly detailed access card made of exquisite glass ado...

"Craft a highly detailed access card made of exquisite glass adorned with intricate laser printing. The card design should exude an air of sophistication and uniqueness, setting it apart as an exclusive entry ticket to 'The Heroes' collection. It should prominently feature a central emblem representing the collection, surrounded by laser-engraved artwork that pays homage to the diverse heroes within.

The glass access card should be a work of art in itself, with its transparency lending an ethereal quality. The laser printing should offer impeccable detailing, capturing the essence of each hero and the collection's grandeur. Embrace the challenge of creating a design that encapsulates the spirit of heroism, the essence of the collection, and the awe-inspiring legacy of these remarkable characters within the delicate beauty of glass."

"Craft a highly detailed access card made of exquisite glass adorned with intricate laser printing. The card design should exude an air of sophistication and uniqueness, setting it apart as an exclusive entry ticket to 'The Heroes' collection. It should prominently feature a central emblem representing the collection, surrounded by laser-engraved artwork that pays homage to the diverse heroes within. The glass access card should be a work of art in itself, with its transparency lending an ethereal quality. The laser printing should offer impeccable detailing, capturing the essence of each hero and the collection's grandeur. Embrace the challenge of creating a design that encapsulates the spirit of heroism, the essence of the collection, and the awe-inspiring legacy of these remarkable characters within the delicate beauty of glass."

{ "seed": "3453829454", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
