black and white portrait of a stunning beautiful maiden with mel...

black and white portrait of a stunning beautiful maiden with melanin skin in christmas style, hyper detailed big BROWN eyes, long black curly hairs, with white angel wings, extremely detailed beautiful cute face, 8k extremely detailed in style, realistic eyes, 8k hyper detailed snowflakes, extremely detailed ice crystals and snow, Poinsettia flower, realistic wide shot, extremely detailed black and white outline coloring book pages, artgerm, extremely detailed, hyperdetailed, vibrant colors, maximalism, 8k polished, highly detailed 3D digital painting, artstation concept art, smooth sharp focus, illustration, no signature, in style charlie bowater and enerie barnes

black and white portrait of a stunning beautiful maiden with melanin skin in christmas style, hyper detailed big BROWN eyes, long black curly hairs, with white angel wings, extremely detailed beautiful cute face, 8k extremely detailed in style, realistic eyes, 8k hyper detailed snowflakes, extremely detailed ice crystals and snow, Poinsettia flower, realistic wide shot, extremely detailed black and white outline coloring book pages, artgerm, extremely detailed, hyperdetailed, vibrant colors, maximalism, 8k polished, highly detailed 3D digital painting, artstation concept art, smooth sharp focus, illustration, no signature, in style charlie bowater and enerie barnes

{ "seed": "3285573719", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
