a photo of a renaissance-looking beautiful young italian caucaus...


a photo of a renaissance-looking beautiful young italian caucausian woman with long hair and transparent veil overhead, a gentle smile on her face, full cheecks, sitting with folded arms, a lake in the middle of the rocky mountains with curved path in distance as a background, hyperrealistic, posing in semi-profile, (looking to camera), perfect eyes, realistic light, realistic satin skin, realistic texture, high resolution, 35mm, mid-format camera, award winning photo, elegant, epic, focus, octane render, v-ray, 8k, by Steve McCurry, by Mark Mann, by Jimmy Nelson Negative prompt: 2D, oil painting, illustration, painting, teeth, watermark, signature, jewels, jewellery, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, damaged eyes, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, people in background Steps: 49, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2565430614, Size: 384x576, Model hash: 81761151, Denoising strength: 0.51, Mask blur: 4
